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Support Our Efforts

Did you know that the price of your ticket only covers 60% of the expenses to operate The Ritz? As a community owned and supported non-profit, 501(c)(3), organization, The Ritz Theatre depends on private contributions to cover the remaining expenses for operations and capital improvements.

As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, our mission is to entertain and enrich people by providing an historic center for creative expression, education, social interaction, and community development.

We hope to communicate and promote an appreciation of the arts and a greater understanding of our heritage and culture through a diversity of programs designed to benefit the people of Northwest Ohio.

You can help The Ritz continue to fulfill this valuable mission by donating today.

What Your Contribution Will Do

– Give thousands of young people the benefit of vivid artistic experiences that help develop learning skills in math, science, reading and writing.
– Give area residents frequent cultural opportunities that are often only available in major metropolitan cities, allowing them to step outside their normal boundaries.
– Build confidence, enthusiasm and rewarding encounters in young people and adults through stage experiences and quality productions with the Discovery Series, the Ritz Players, Summer Theatre Camp and the Ritz Teen Thespian Guild,while opening up a world of possibilities and inspiring dreams and aspirations.
– Bring the world of arts and entertainment to within easy driving distance at affordable prices.
– Sustain the memorable beauty of a truly regional entertainment landmark.

The Rewards of Giving

All gifts to the Annual Fund Campaign are fully tax-deductible.
Gifts of $100 or more are recognized in our programs for each performance and on our web site.
Gifts of $1,000 or more are given a membership to our Melpomene’s Circle Club. Benefits include: advanced notice and ticket sales for all performances, pre-show receptions for Mainstage events and invitations to other special events.

We Love Our Volunteers!

The Ritz Theatre could not exist if it weren’t for hundreds of dedicated individuals who give of their time and talents. These exceptional folks serve as board members, ushers, box office sales clerks, decorators, bartenders, hospitality, cleaners, stage crew, carpenters, marketers, consultants, painters, tour guides, house managers, follow spot operators, fund raisers, loaders, drivers…and yes, they even do windows.

The staff of The Ritz Theatre would like to take this opportunity to publicly thank each and every one of them. We are forever in your debt.

Our Sponsors